Second hand machines
Location: Morocco
Circular Loom SL6 (27 pcs.)
- built: 2004
- working hours: 83921
Circular Loom SL6 (5 pcs.)
- built: 2008
- working hours: 67151
Circular Loom SL6 (11 pcs.)
- built: 2009
- working hours: 67091
Contact: Nourddine Abouelfadel
Phone: +212 673 144 839
Email: nourddine.abouelfadel[at]
Location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
adstarKON 60
- built: 2013
- working hours: 51601
- Total production status: 184901827
Contact: Rajesh Kumar Mishra, United Accredited Company
Phone: +966 12 690 0158
Email: rajesh.mishra[at]
Location: Romania
Winding head Sahm 240XE (128 pcs.)
- built: 2012
- Traverse length: 250mm
- Incl. packaging and spare parts package
- Price per head: 990€ FCA
Contact: Mr. Matthias Karl
Phone: +43 1 59955-0
Location: Indonesien/Surakarta (Solo City)
Omega 1000 (83 pcs.)
- built: 2010 - 2011
Contact: Mrs. Kristiani Merica
Phone: +6281802592192
Location: Philippines
Omega 1000 (12 pcs.) circular loom
- built: 2013
Omega 1000 (14 pcs.)
- built: 2013
- Heat Slitting Center
- Unfolding device and surface winder
Omega 1000 (2 pcs.)
- built: 2013
- Heat Slitting Double Unit
- 2nd winder, back to back
RX 6.0 (10 pcs.)
- built: 2015
starEX 800 tape line
- built: 2013
- Gravimetric Dosing Unit
- Melt Pump
- Stand with two heated godets for extension
- stacoFIL 200 (135 pcs.) winders
starEX 1600 tape line
- built: 2017
- Scanning guage and control system
- Automatic Flat die
- Automatic Knife Bar Changer
- twinTAPE 200LX (200 pcs.) winders
remFLEX 6120 printing line
- built: 2013
ad*starKON SX+ 100 (modified to 120) conversion line
- built: 2018
Contact: Mr. Franz Steiner
Phone: +43 1 59955-0